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Lend Your Voice in Support of Tax Reform

Attend American Associations Day and strengthen America's association impact

The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and the Ohio Society of Association Executives (OSAE) need your help. Leaders in Congress have said they plan on making major changes to the tax code this upcoming year. With tax reform comes concerns about the tax-exempt status of the association community.

Potential changes to the treatment of unrelated business income tax (UBIT) are among the chief concerns for ASAE and OSAE. Your representatives in Congress will have a critical say in tax reform. Because of that, your attendance at American Associations Day will make a real difference for our community. American Associations Day, March 15-16 in Washington, D.C., is the only legislative fly-in for association professionals.

With so much change in Washington, the voice of the association community is more important than ever. Join us to remind Congress that associations impact our future, fuel the economy, enrich lives and keep us competitive. Because if they have no idea, then how will they stand up for us?

ASAE makes it very easy for members like you to engage: ASAE provides training on the most effective way to share our message, resources for visiting your Congressional offices and even offers out-of-town participants a scholarship of up to $300 to attend! What’s more, you’ll get the chance to network with association professionals from around the country at the ASAE Board Reception. There is no registration fee for this event; additionally, 3.5 CAE credit hours are included with the program.

To register for this year's fly-in, contact ASAE Public Policy Department Staffer Mary Kate Cunningham at 202-626-2787 or Find out more at

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