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The #1 Mistake That Will Get Your Email Ignored

You won't believe such a small thing makes such a huge difference

Despite various companies' efforts to kill it, as of now the world of work still runs largely on email. Want to change your boss's mind, land a new client, or motivate your team? Chances are, at some stage of the process, your success is going to depend on getting someone to open and respond to an email.

Which is why independent, expert advice on crafting persuasive emails is so valuable. The problem with much of the tips currently out there, however, is that they're subjective. One VC weighs in with her personal email preferences, while another disagrees vehemently. A particular veteran marketer swears by sending messages at a given time. Another claims timing hardly matters.

What we all need is a large, objective analysis of what gets emails opened, and what gets them ignored. Helpfully, email management tool Boomerang recently conducted just such a study (hat tip to Quartz for the pointer), feeding no less than 250,000 messages through its error-detection tool to determine which mistakes you really can't afford to make if you want to get a response to your email (though, sorry, this particular study can't settle the email timing debate).

The results? Be very, very careful with your subject lines.

Please click here to read the complete article from Inc.

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