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We Can All Become More Positive

Set goals now to avoid barriers later

Though we are off to a cold start, Happy 2018. The time through the festivities just seemed to go really quickly and here we are ready to begin another year. While I was doing some teaching, the comment about setting goals arose. Before we can set goals, there are those questions that we need to ask: 

A» Where do you want to be in the next year? What about in the next five or 10 years? Have you made a plan to get there? 

A» What’s going really well for you, and what would you like or want to change? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you pick the right goal, and choose one that you will stick with and work toward, with a degree of dedication. It will also help you realize that when you reach a barrier or challenge, it will just be a learning opportunity, not something to stop you. 

Please click here to read the complete article from Columbus CEO.

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