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2017 Annual Conference Speaker Information

Please review the following information

Thank you for agreeing to speak at the OSAE 2017 Annual Conference. Your willingness to participate will make our conference a valuable experience for our attendees.

As you travel to Butler County, please keep this important on-site contact information handy in case you encounter any problems:

The information below should help you prepare for the conference. Please remember that the event will be held at the Cincinnati Marriott North at Union Center West Chester, located at 6189 Muhlhauser Road, West Chester, Ohio, 45069.


If you have any questions regarding your presentation or a general conference question, please contact the OSAE office at 614-824-4054.

Speaker Conference Registration Check-In: When you arrive at the conference, please check in at the OSAE Conference Registration Room, located in the Monroe Room on the hotel's first floor. You will receive your registration materials and speaker badge. We ask that you check in upon your arrival so we are confident your travel plans have run smoothly.  

We have coordinated volunteers to assist on-site, make basic announcements to the participants and assist with any on-site needs.

Audio Visual Equipment Needs:  OSAE contracts with an audio visual company to provide services at the conference. In order to keep our audio visual costs reasonable, each session will include a basic A/V setup: LCD projector, screen and cart. While wireless internet access is available to all attendees, it is complimentary and reliability varies due to usage; thus, it should not be depended upon for presenting information during your session. To avoid any issues with accessing the internet during your presentation, we suggest that you include screen shots of the web pages you would like to share in your PowerPoint file.  Additional A/V equipment will NOT be added unless special arrangements have already been pre-approved. 

Presentation Materials: In a continued effort to be environmentally conscious and better manage our resources, OSAE will host a semi-paperless meeting. Unless we have are directed otherwise, we will make all speaker presentation materials available on our conference app and website, starting one week before the conference until 6 months after the conference. 

Please submit your presentation materials no later than Wednesday, July 12, 2017 to ensure that your presentation is available to the registrants who may want to print their materials prior to the conference. We have received feedback from past attendees that it is very frustrating for attendees when presentation materials are not provided prior to the conference. Please note our plans:

Once more, OSAE is working with Results@Hand to create a mobile conference app that’s available to virtually anyone with web browsing capabilities (smartphone, tablet, PC, etc.). This will allow you to keep up-to-date with the conference details through your mobile devices! The OSAE 2017 Annual Conference is integrated into the general OSAE app, which is now available for download from the App Store and Google Play. 

Please take a few minutes to review many of the details of the OSAE 2017 Annual Conference on our website at  Also, you can view our 2017 Annual Schedule At A Glance online here.

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