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Your Laptop Is Not a Teddy Bear

How powering down your smartphone may lead to your best night sleep, yet

It seems we’ve traded in our teddy bears for high-tech gizmos. According to a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, 9 out of 10 Americans say they use an electronic device (TV, cell phone, computer) in the hour before bed, and many report bringing laptops, tablets, and phones into bed with them. But if we don’t put our devices to sleep, we’re not likely to get much shut-eye either. The screens we stare into emit an electronic glow that interferes with melatonin production, inhibiting our natural rhythms of sleep and waking. What’s more, depending on what we’re doing online (answering emails, posting on social media, playing games), we’re also revving up the brain when we should be slowing down. In the process, stress hormones, such as cortisol, are released, and the Land of Nod recedes into the distance.

Taming Technology for Better Sleep
In the best-case scenario, we should declare our bedrooms tech-free zones and turn off all electronics a half hour or more before heading to bed. But if that seems like too large a leap to take all at once, we can take small but effective steps to balance the benefits of technology with our need for a good night’s sleep.

Alert Yourself
Program an alert on your phone to signal when it’s time to power down and begin your bedtime routine. When the alarm sounds, turn off electronic devices, and stop any activities that require mental or physical effort.

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