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Devil in the Details

Don’t ignore the boilerplate in your next contract review

Grab your red pen, ease into a comfy chair and get ready for some exciting contract review! Those are words you’ve probably never uttered or heard. While reviewing dense contract language can be intimidating, ensuring that your contracts protect your organization’s interests is worth the time and effort.

Contracts are simply a tool to create certainty for both parties based on shared expectations and to direct what happens when those expectations aren’t met. To do that, a contract needs to include several key elements. Here are a few terms that often don’t get the attention they merit—don’t overlook them in your next contract review.

Scope of work and timeline. More detail is always better to describe what is to be delivered and when, ideally in stages. If you’ve had months of conversations about what to include in your new website but only have three sentences in the contract describing it, you’ll be hard-pressed to get resolution if you’re disappointed in the product. It’s often wise to tie payment to specific deliverables.

Please select this link to read the original article from Associations Now.

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