Given the time sensitivity associations will face should Congress expand eligibility for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to include 501(c)(6) organizations, ASAE is hosting a virtual session Aug. 18 at 2 p.m. EDT to help prospective PPP applicants understand the PPP loan application process and requirements.
The program, titled “Applying to the Paycheck Protection Program: What Your Association Needs to Know,” will help association executives learn about their options, find out how to apply for a PPP loan and get answers to their questions from experts in association law, finance and accounting.
Speakers include Susan Robertson, CAE, ASAE's president and CEO; Julia Judish, special counsel, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP; Mary Kate Cunningham, CAE, ASAE's vice president of public policy; and Thomas Sneeringer, partner, audit services, RSM US LLP.
To register for this program, click here.
This article was provided to OSAE by the Power of A and ASAE's Inroads.