Complete Story


For Small Businesses, Small Is Big

An excerpt from The New Builders

America has always had a love affair with size. In the business world, we call it “scale” and celebrate it. The concept dominated the last generation of company builders, who have built modern-day tech empires.

But our history has always been a story of balance. Innovation requires that the empires are challenged by New Builders. The challenges today are fewer and further between: Entrepreneurship is on a 40-year decline in the United States.

In The New Builders, we explore the question of why, tell the stories of New Builders that are succeeding despite the obstacles, and offer some solutions. Two of the keys are refocusing on the important role small businesses play and investigating how our love affair with size came to dominate the conversation. In the following chapter, we take a look at these entwined conversations. And yes, Milton Friedman and next-gen capitalism are part of the story.—Seth Levine and Elizabeth MacBride

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