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Journalist Says 'ChatGPT Is Already Changing How I Do My Job'

The service can become addicting

Once you start using ChatGPT, you pretty much can't stop. You begin with trivial, gimmicky prompts: Do this math problem. Tell me some vegetarian recipes with broccoli and peas. What came first, the jock or the jockstrap?

But as the artificial intelligence chatbot easily dispatches your gimmes, you begin to take it more seriously. Over weeks and months you tinker with it, learn its capabilities and its deficiencies, imagine its possibilities for good and ill, its potential for ubiquity and for indispensability. Soon, ChatGPT starts to etch a groove into your life. Now you think of it differently — less as a dancing pony than as a workhorse. You find yourself reaching for it for big tasks and small, and though it fails often, it feels just helpful enough that you can imagine lots of people soon coming to depend on it.

Only a few times in my life have I experienced this creeping sense of possibility with a new technology. The last time was the iPhone; the others were probably Google search and the internet itself. All these were groundbreaking at the start, but none of them changed anything overnight. Instead, what was most compelling was how easy it was to imagine them becoming more and more useful to more and more people.

Please select this link to read the complete article from The New York Times.

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