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Managing Gen Z

This is Fast Company's 142-point guide for leaders

Recently, Fast Company asked more than 100 people—mostly members of Gen Z but also companies that have shown a facility for connecting with this cohort and researchers who have studied them—to share with us what they know about Gen Z that they don’t believe is widely understood, how to lead this generation as they enter the workforce and how to speak to them as a marketer looking to reach the next generation of customers.

You will hear directly from the best respondents, with their most thoughtful answers to your questions. Along the way, the experts we’ve curated here deliver scores of concrete ideas and frameworks for managing and selling to Gen Z.

Too many reports on Generation Z recycle the same ideas, or treat the generation as a monolith—or both! These first-person expressions transcend the tropes and will help you discern what’s true and what’s more complicated.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Fast Company.

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