This spring, Mighty Citizen released the “2023 Marketing Benchmarks for Mission-Driven Organizations,” based on responses from The Mighty GPS, a self-assessment for measuring marketing maturity for mission-driven organizations and includes an overall score and a maturity score across six key marketing categories.
The marketing maturity stages and scores measured were the Crawling stage (score 0-39), Walking stage (score 40-59), Running stage (score 60-80), and Soaring stage (score 81-100). Associations averaged 58.1, placing them in the “Walking” stage for marketing maturity—an OK performance.
While this is a good sign, it's important not to get stuck in this stage. Successful marketing is about building momentum. "Fine" might work for now, but fine isn't permanent or inspiring.
Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.