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Daily Buzz: Learn How to Go With Your Gut

Sometimes, trusting your gut is the best thing to do

Using data and education is important in decision making, but intuition can also be a helpful decision-making tool if you use it the right way.

“Learning to trust your gut takes intention and practice, and there are several things you can do to get better at it,” said Stephanie Vozza on Fast Company.

First, understand your gut reaction and how it can be useful. Dr. Tasha Holland-Kornegay, founder of Wellness in Real Life, says a gut feeling is the result of a large amount of cognitive processes occurring in your brain, sizing up new sensory information against past experiences, and coming to a prediction.

“Realizing that your intuition has been trained over time can help you trust it as an invaluable guide,” Vozza said.

To use your intuition, Vozza suggested paying attention to your initial reaction to a situation, which is based on your past experiences and knowledge.

You can get used to using your intuition by practicing with low-stakes scenarios. That way, you’ll know to trust your instincts in other situations. Just remember that using data and information is also valuable when making a choice, but trusting your gut can help you in a pinch.

“As a rule of thumb, Holland-Kornegay recommends trusting your gut when you have to make a fast choice under uncertain conditions,” Vozza said.

Please select this link to read the original article from Associations Now.

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