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Collaboration, Connection Top of Mind for Remote Association Professionals

The Virtual Association Network completes fifth benchmarking survey

The Virtual Association Network (VAN) was formed in 2017 after its two cofounders, Kevin Helm, CAE, and David Westman, CAE, recognized the uniqueness of organizations that were 100 percent virtual.

Since the beginning, VAN has conducted research on how remote and hybrid organizations handle human resources and operational management issues. In its soon-to-be-released Fifth Benchmarking Survey, 57 percent of the 150-plus respondents reported working fully remotely, 14 percent were remote one to two days a week, and 19 percent worked outside of the office three to four days a week.

The survey looked at how associations interview candidates for remote positions. Sixty-four percent of respondents conduct completely remote interviews, while 33 percent do a combination of in-person and virtual interviews.

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