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ASAE Announces 97 Professionals Earned CAE Credential

Four Ohioans, including two OSAP members, received the accreditation

CAE Class of May 2023Ninety-seven association executives recently earned their Certified Association Executive (CAE®) credential from the CAE Commission of ASAE, joining more than 4,500 industry leaders around the globe.

The Spring 2023 class of CAEs successfully completed the CAE examination administered worldwide May 1-14, 2023. They will be honored, along with the December 2022 class of CAEs, during the 2023 ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition in Atlanta August 5-8.

The four professionals in Ohio to earn their CAE are:

Jason Joseph Bradley, CAE
VP of Governance & Public Policy
American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Saint Clairsville

Gloria Hampton, CAE (OSAP Member)
Associate Director
Ohio Community Corrections Association

Monica Occhetti, CAE (OSAP Member)
Director of Certification
Construction Specifications Institute
Cleveland, and 

Patricia Smith, CAE
Vice President of Member Services
ARMA International
Akron, OH

"OSAP is exceptionally proud of all those who earned this valuable accreditation, but we're especially proud of Gloria and Monica," said OSAP President & CEO Jarrod A. Clabaugh, CAE. "This is a difficult test, but the achievement of the accreditation highlights the profound commitment that those who earn it possess. Each and every CAE understands that they are the shining example of professionalism within the association management community."

The CAE program elevates professional standards, enhances individual performance, and designates those who have acquired and demonstrated the knowledge essential to the practice of association management. The CAE program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).

“Congratulations to the new class of CAEs," said Diana Tucker, CAE, chair of the CAE Commission and vice president of membership and chapter relations at NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association. "We commend these dedicated professionals for earning this distinction and demonstrating their commitment to the profession. This achievement reflects not only significant experience and study, but also a return on investment in their pursuit of ongoing learning and career development. We welcome you into a growing community of fellow thought leaders and expert practitioners who are advancing the field of association management."

A full list of the spring 2023 class, which includes a growing contingent of global association professionals, can be viewed here.


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