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AI in Human Resources

Beyond the noise, there are benefits

During the summer, I spend a lot of time on one of my favorite projects: the Top HR Products of the Year Award sponsored by Human Resource Executive® and the HR Technology Conference. Every year, we receive hundreds of submissions and conduct dozens of meetings and demonstrations to arrive at ten or so of the very best, most innovative products of the year.

So far this year, we’ve seen many cutting-edge examples of how, where and why new forms of artificial intelligence technologies, especially generative AI, are being introduced into HR technologies. In fact, we have seen so many examples of AI in the Top HR Products submissions, that in our last demo of the day recently—of a really interesting solution that wasn't driven by AI—I remarked, "It was kind of refreshing to have a demonstration where no one mentioned 'GPT' once!"

But while we may be getting a case of “AI fatigue” lately, it is important for HR leaders not to allow concerns about the hype to get in the way of understanding how these new AI technologies can positively impact HR and help drive better people and business outcomes. Certainly, the HR technology providers can share lots of examples of how their particular flavor of AI solutions is helping customers and employees, but sometimes it’s grounding to look for alternative sources of information about heavily hyped technology like AI.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Human Resources Executive.

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