Complete Story


Why Some Nonprofit Organizations Fall Short of Their Potential

HR can be a catalyst in building a "why" culture

Nonprofit organizations have long been and will continue to be an important part of peoples' lives. When I was an attorney, I represented many nonprofit organizations on workplace issues, and I continue to work with these organizations as an executive coach and consultant. In addition, I've served on the boards of many nonprofits, including as president and board chair. I also served a two-year stint as a nonprofit's chief administrative officer.

The concept of nonprofits doing good for others is wonderful. The sacrifices and commitments of those who support them, and the results they produce, help make the world a better place. And yet most nonprofits fall short of their potential. In my experience, they succumb to an entitlement mentality and lose sight of their "why" and their accountability. As a result, nonprofits with wonderful missions staffed by (mostly) wonderful people experience counterproductive behavior, including resistance to change, silo mentality, disengagement and toxic relationships. 

This column addresses the roots of the problem and offers suggestions for improvement, including how HR can be a catalyst in building a "why" culture. 

Please select this link to read the complete article from SHRM.

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