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Remote Work is Here to Stay

How to hire for this 'new normal'

Before the (COVID-19) pandemic, a study involving 7,000 hiring managers self-reported that 46 percent of their hires failed within the first 18 months. Again, that was before the pandemic. That rate has undoubtedly worsened in the last three years as managers apply old hiring practices amid the new normal of remote hiring.

Instinct and intuition – what some call gut feel – is impossible to apply with precision when the candidate is speaking to you through your laptop. The medium is less robust, and practical issues such as the person not looking into the camera, poor sound and lighting and an inability to connect in a personal way limit your ability to evaluate the other person and to sell them on why they should come work for you.

To win in the new hiring marketplace, managers need to use a five-step approach and focus on data, not gut feel.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Chief Executive.

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