Complete Story
Making the Most of an Interview
How hiring managers and job candidates can do this
Q: I think I need some help with my interviewing skills as a hiring manager. Sometimes, I forget that the applicant is interviewing me as much as I am interviewing them. How can I balance the time we spend together so we both get what we need out of the interview?
A: This is such a good point. And you’re right—it is easy to get into a pattern of asking questions and not giving equal time for the applicant.
Here’s a suggestion that has worked for me. When you begin the interview, let the applicant know that you are dividing the time you have together into three parts: During the first portion of the interview, you will be asking questions to get to know them and to determine if their background, skills and experiences fit the requirements of the open position. The second part will be their opportunity to ask you questions, and the last portion will be for follow-up questions that either of you want to ask.
Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE's Center for Association Leadership.