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Your Gen Z Employees Will Ask for Mental Health Days

How you respond matters

It wasn't long ago that mental health was something that people would never talk about in the workplace. But as more and more people understand the importance of mental health and how stress can impact individuals physically, we are seeing more and more people request mental health days off work to deal with personal matters.

And while we're seeing increased awareness from all generations when it comes to mental health, work/life balance and avoiding burnout, Gen Z employees are more likely to prioritize emotional well-being than older generations.

Talking about the impact of mental health stressors was once taboo in the workplace. However, the younger generations are breaking through those barriers and prioritizing personal well-being so they can perform at higher levels without compromising themselves. And that means that they're not afraid to ask for mental health days when they need it.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Fast Company.

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