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Legal News for OSAP Members from Maritza S. Nelson
Advertising law: what small businesses need to know
Being an a small business operator requires you to wear many hats. Not only do you have to provide a great product or service, you are also responsible for all of the financial details like setting prices; learning how to use accounting software; managing expenses; long term strategic planning; especially if you plan to grow the business; and human resources and the never-ending challenging of managing people.
No matter what kind of business you run, it seems like your "real" job is sales and marketing. After all, none of the other staff matters if you cannot get customers or clients to buy what you’re selling.
As a law firm, we can’t solve all of your marketing problems. But we can make sure your marketing plan doesn’t land your business in legal trouble. Like most things legal, advertising isn’t covered by a single law with simple rules but instead by a complex framework created by federal, state, and local laws, industry regulations, and common law restrictions on commercial speech. In this series, we’re looking at just what small businesses should know about advertising laws.
Please select this link to read the complete article from the Law Office of Maritza S. Nelson, LLC.