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Seven Critical-thinking Skills You Need in an AI-powered Workplace

​​AI is fundamentally altering how we think, reason and relate to one other

We're at a fascinating yet concerning inflection point with AI. A recent Gallup poll reveals that 79 percent of Americans are already using AI-powered products in their daily lives, often without realizing it. Meanwhile, as MIT Sloan Review argues, the profound questions AI raises about consciousness, intelligence, and decision-making aren’t primarily technical problems—they’re philosophical ones. We need philosophy to help us understand what AI actually is, what it means to be intelligent, and how we should approach human-AI interaction. Without this philosophical foundation, we risk developing AI systems that don't align with human values and ways of thinking.

This creates what I call a “philosophical emergency” in my forthcoming book TRANSCEND: Unlocking Humanity in the Age of AI.

Unlike previous technological revolutions that primarily changed what we could do, AI is fundamentally altering how we think, reason and relate to each other. Without developing strong critical thinking skills specifically calibrated for this AI age, we risk becoming passive consumers of AI-driven decisions rather than active, thoughtful partners with this technology.

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