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WHHA Launches $85.5 Million Campaign for Interactive Facility
The People’s House is set to open next year
The White House Historical Association (WHHA) has announced plans for a multimillion-dollar facility designed to give visitors a sense of the full scope of life in the White House.
"The People’s House: a White House Experience" was announced by WHHA on Nov. 3. Located on a 33,000-square-foot, three-floor site a block from the White House, the museum and interactive experience will display elements of the building that are off-limits on official tours, including replicas of the Oval Office and Rose Garden. The facility is scheduled to open in fall 2024.
The replicas of key White House spots will mix with more interactive galleries. For instance, according to Washingtonian magazine, blank wall spaces can become situation rooms where, "you’ll sit at one end of a table where a President and their cabinet will discuss a weighty issue like the Cuban Missile Crisis during John F. Kennedy’s term."
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