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What is the specific CDC-targeted multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) that require enhanced barrier precautions (EBP)?

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CMS provides this guidance in the QSO-24-08-NH memo on page 4 which directs providers to the CDC’s webpage, “Implementation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Use in Nursing Homes to Prevent Spread of Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDROs).”

CDC notes that the MDROs for which the use of EBP applies, and do not otherwise require contact precautions, are based on local epidemiology. At a minimum, they should include resistant organisms targeted by CDC but can also include other epidemiologically important MDROs as listed below:

Examples of MDROs Targeted by CDC include:

Additional epidemiologically important MDROs may include, but are not limited to:

CDC isolation guidance states the following situations require contact precautions situations when residents infected or colonized with an MDRO:

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