OPA Home-Study CPE Programming

Patient/Medication Safety Home-Study CPE:

The Ohio Pharmacists Association is pleased to present home-study patient/medication safety continuing pharmacy education programs which qualify for State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy patient/medication safety CPE credit.

Patient/Medication Safety Home-Study Fee (per activity):
OPA Member: $10
Non-member: $30   Join Now and Save!

Get the member discount codes HERE. This page can also be found under the Membership tab --> Members Only content. Click on the OPA Home-Study and On-Demand Member Discount Codes and log in for the codes.


  • Outpatient Insulin Errors and Mitigation Strategies
    Note: This article was published in the October 2021 Ohio Pharmacist  journal. 
    Authors: Ally Roher, PharmD Candidate; Hannah Pratt, BCPS, PharmD; Diana Isaacs, PharmD, BCPS, BC-ADM, BCACP, CDCES, FADCES, FCCP
    ACPE #0129-0000-21-093-H05-P
    credit:  0.15 CEU  release date:  10-15-21    expiration date:  10-15-24

    This lesson provides an overview of common outpatient insulin errors related to multiple insulin formations, various delivery devices, the narrow therapeutic window, storage issues, and special considerations in pediatrics. Additionally, mitigation strategies and technology solutions.

Click HERE to Order Outpatient Insulin Errors and Mitigation Strategies

  • Vaccine Administration Errors and Prevention Strategies
    Note: This article was published in the June 2022 Ohio Pharmacist  journal. 
    Megan Hull, R.Ph., PharmD
    ACPE #0129-0000-22-014-H05-P
    credit:  0.10 CEU  release date:  6-15-22    expiration date:  6-15-25

    This lesson provides information on reported vaccine errors, to educate on new vaccines and the potential for future errors, and to identify available error reporting programs.

Click HERE to Order Vaccine Administration Errors and Prevention Strategies

  • Medication Safety in the Geriatric Population
    Note: This article is available online only. 
    Author: Charles Mosler, R.Ph., PharmD, BCGP, FASCP
    ACPE #0129-0000-23-014-H05-P
    credit:  0.1 CEU  release date:  6-15-23    expiration date:  6-15-26

    This lesson identifies medications with potentially dangerous side effects in older adults, and how to avoid the risk of unwanted side effects in the geriatric population.

Click HERE to Order Medication Safety in the Geriatric Population

Jurisprudence/Law Home-Study CPE:

The Ohio Pharmacists Association is pleased to present home-study jurisprudence/law continuing pharmacy education programs which qualify for State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy jurisprudence CPE credit.

Jurisprudence/Law Home-Study CPE Fee (per activity):
OPA Member: $10
Non-member: $30   Join Now and Save!

Get the member discount codes HERE. This page can also be found under the Membership tab --> Members Only content. Click on the OPA Home-Study and On-Demand Member Discount Codes and log in for the codes.


  • Institutional Pharmacy Practice Rules Revision
    Note: This article was published in the November 2021 Ohio Pharmacist journal. 
    Author: Joe Sabino, R.Ph., M.S.
    ACPE Program #0129-0000-21-013-H03-P
    credit: (0.1 CEU) release date: 11-15-21  expiration date: 11-15-24

    The goal of this lesson is to review major points of the new Ohio Pharmacy Board Rules Chapter 4729:5-9 of the Ohio Administrative Code regarding Pharmacy Practice in Institutional Facilities which becomes effective December 1, 2021.

Click HERE to Order Institutional Pharmacy Practice Rules Revision

  • 2022 Updates to Ohio Pharmacy Laws and Rules
    Note: This article was published in the December 2022 Ohio Pharmacist journal. 
    Author: Michael Hegener, PharmD, BCACP 
    ACPE #0129-0000-22-013-H03-P
    credit: 0.1 CEU   release date: 12-15-22   expiration date: 12-15-25

    The goal of this lesson is to review select changes made to Ohio pharmacy laws and rules in 2022.

Click HERE to Order 2022 Updates to Ohio Pharmacy Laws and Rules

  • The Pharmacist's Corresponding Responsibility
    Author: Joseph Sabino, Pharmacist Emeritus, M.S.  
    ACPE #0129-0000-23-013-H03-P
    credit: 0.1 CEU   release date: 10-15-23   expiration date: 10-15-26

    The goal of this lesson is to review the pharmacist’s corresponding responsibility to ensure that             prescriptions for controlled substances are written for legitimate medical purposes.

Click HERE to Order The Pharmacist's Corresponding Responsibility

Long-Acting Injectables Home-Study CPE:

Long-Acting Injectable Home-Study Fee (per activity):
OPA Member: $50
Non-member: $80   Join Now and Save!

Get the member discount code HERE. This page can also be found under the Membership tab --> Members Only content. Click on the OPA Home-Study and On-Demand Member Discount Codes and log in for the code.


More education opportunities coming soon.


USP <797> Home-Study CPE:

  • Making Sense of USP <797>
    Author: Wendy Hagwood, R.Ph., PharmD; L. Rad Dillon, R.Ph., M.A., ASQ SSGB; Joseph P. Navarra, R.Ph., FACA, FAPC
    ACPE #0129-9999-24-013-H07-P/T; 0129-9999-24-014-H07-P/T
    credit:  0.25 CEU    release date: 1-15-24     expiration date: 1-15-27

    This lesson includes two parts: 1) for all sterile compounders and, 2) advanced topics.

Click HERE to Order Making Sense of USP <797>