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Navigating Divergent Beliefs and the CEO's Role

Doing the 'right thing' is becoming more challenging

Economic uncertainty, inequality, climate change and civil unrest. These are just a sample of the long-term trends on the horizon facing associations and they are often accompanied by divergent, or opposing, beliefs held by members, stakeholders and association staff. 

Divergent belief systems represent fundamental differences in how individuals view, understand and perceive important issues. These differences in beliefs go beyond simple and constructive differences of opinion in that they are highly emotionally charged, tend to be inflexible (i.e., individuals are unlikely to change their position) and are oftentimes connected to a political or social identity. They may also be rooted in different interpretations of fact. 

Association CEOs, boards and staff members want to do the “right thing” when it comes to addressing these big problems, but knowing exactly what that is is becoming more challenging.

Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.

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