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Five ‘Aha’ Ways AI can Help You Work Better

It can be more than a more enhanced search tool

The two of us started Women Defining AI with a simple mission in mind: to take this moment of widespread change and artificial-intelligence adoption to flip the script and close the gender technology gap at work, helping women adopt AI in meaningful and impactful ways.

One thing that we have learned from a year of building this community is that most people really do not care that an AI model went from 32,000 "token context windows" to 200,000 or 2 million even. What people really want to know is what does this mean I can use it for? What is something that I can do today with AI that is fundamentally different and powerful than what I was doing before? What are the really game-changing use cases?

Among the hundreds of women with whom we’ve spoken, the most common thing we heard was that they were using ChatGPT as a slightly more advanced form of Google search. And sometimes it was worse because it could make up facts, also known as “hallucinating.” To get people curious about experimenting with the power of AI, we had to find aha-moment use cases that make them think “I didn’t realize I could even do that."

Please select this link to read the complete article from TIME.

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