By now, you've probably seen the headlines: A survey of CEOs found that 49 percent said most or all of their work should be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). The report, produced by online learning company edX, was widely covered by the business press, including Inc. and CNBC, and surely prompted some employees to wonder, justifiably, what the heck it is that CEOs do all day.
The report didn't actually provide any specifics on what aspects of the CEO role should be replaced by technology, and edX leaders were quick to reassure chief executives that their jobs aren't going anywhere. Anant Agarwal, founder of edX, told Inc.'s Sarah Lynch that instead of displacing CEOs, AI would transform their jobs, freeing them up from mundane tasks to focus on more meaningful ones such as "creating more sustainable revenue streams, introducing new products, inspiring employees and more."
You'll forgive me for rolling my eyes. We've been hearing for years about how AI won't eliminate jobs but rather free up workers to be more creative. Yet I haven't found any examples of dreary jobs that have been magically made more fulfilling because of AI, nor are there tales of say, data-entry clerks who had time to redesign their workstation user interface because automation filled in their spreadsheets for them. I'm being facetious, but it's true.
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