Complete Story
Develop Your Association's Translation and Language Strategy
These strategies can be challenging
If your association is already working in countries where English is not the primary language, or you are considering expansion, chances are good that translation of your association’s resources has crossed your mind, or even your to-do list. Translation is one of many ways to engage and include international members, customers and prospects; but even with the best intentions, language strategy can be challenging.
A lot of well-meaning associations decide to provide simultaneous translation for a "global session" at the annual convention or for a one-off webinar in hopes of attracting new members or catering to existing ones. In some cases, beginning to translate is like opening the proverbial Pandora’s box. Once you begin to translate, it is difficult to stop, and you find yourself with growing requests for more translations that can be costly. But it doesn't have to be that way if done strategically with the right set of resources.
Translation and language strategy were the focus of a recent study conducted by Global Navigators to better understand how the U.S. association sector approaches the topic. This important yet rarely addressed topic is critical to American associations working internationally.
Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.