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Nine Questions to Help You Uncover Why You’re Burned Out

You may or may not have control over some of them

It’s no secret that managers and employees have been suffering from burnout for quite some time.

There are multiple factors that can cause burnout, including individual, organizational, industry and societal contributors. It’s typically not any single cause, but usually the convergence of a number of elements that, when unaddressed or unmanaged over time, ultimately lead to burn out. It’s more than simply feeling tired or spent. The World Health Organization (WHO) characterizes burnout as comprising three key dimensions: sustained feelings of exhaustion, feelings of personal inefficacy and increased mental distance from one’s job (typically involving feelings of negativity or cynicism).

The specific drivers within each of these three aspects of burnout will be different for each person. Below are some reflective questions to ask yourself so that you can pinpoint your own primary drivers within each facet of burnout. While the answers to the questions below may be clear (either immediately or after some reflection), they likely don’t represent a quick fix, so consider them as a starting point.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Harvard Business Review.

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