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EPA Bans Two Cancer-causing Chemicals Contained in Everyday Products
The bans intend to protect workers, consumers and residents from harm
On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcing the ban of two known carcinogens used in a variety of consumer products and industrial settings. The new rules underscore President Joe Biden’s efforts to enact key protections against harmful chemicals before leaving office.
The announcement includes the complete ban of trichloroethylene — also known as TCE — a substance found in common consumer and manufacturing products including degreasing agents, furniture care and auto repair products. In addition, the agency banned all consumer uses and many commercial uses of perc — also known as tetrachloroethylene and PCE — an industrial solvent long used in applications such as dry cleaning and auto repair.
"Both of these chemicals have caused too much harm for too long, despite the existence of safer alternatives," said Jonathan Kalmuss-Katz, a senior attorney at Earthjustice.
Please select this link to read the complete article from The Washington Post.